With the holidays approaching and passing way to quickly, you always want to feel your best; physically and mentally. I, however, was not feeling like myself at all! Now granted, my hormones have been through a whole roll-a-coaster and back this year but I felt great up until the beginning of October. I am on Depo, the birth control shot, for obvious reasons. I have had my up's and down's with it but with my third and FINAL shot my 'symptoms' seem to be never ending.
At first I thought something was just wrong with me, which made me start worrying. After doing some research online I discovered my shot was the cause for all of my problems! Being a little confused and scared I made an appointment with my OBGYN right away. And the results, well they were shocking.
She diagnosed me with anxiety, depression and panic attacks. Now, I know for a fact I am NOT depressed. The anxiety attacks I can completely understand because I've been worried nonstop about my health for the past two months. The constant worrying can do a physical and mental tole on your body, and quick. We decided to change my birth control and she prescribed me medication to help if I have an attack, just to calm me down; none of which I have taken yet. I still have panic/anxiety attacks but I am getting better without the medication. It really is all in the head and positive thinking. The hormones from the shot still need to wear off before I feel 100% again but anything is better than what I was like at the beginning of October. All of my blood work come back perfect, I am actually in the 2% of people who have 'perfect blood'; meaning all of my levels were in the 'perfect' range. This is really the peace of mind I needed.
I am so thankful I have a positive fiance and family to encourage me through this hard time. At times I had my self totally convinced that I was on my death bed, just because I was nauseous. Health anxiety is a very serious condition that if not tended to correctly can literally make you sick just by thinking you're sick. This is the point I never wanted to get too. I have a tension headache from all the stress build up but day by day it gets better, time heals all things. My doctor has been an amazing support system, especially for someone who had a crying crazy person in her room.
I've learned no matter how hard my mind tries to take over my body, I am a lot stronger than I have ever realized. I have prayed every day, something I normally did not do about 3 months ago. I have a new found hope because it seems like every time I talk to God; at night, in the car and even in the shower, I always feel so much better. He's really looking out for me through these tough times. It has even brought me and my fiance much closer also. I turn to him for advice and he's bluntly honest with me, that I am perfectly fine. You never realize how important mental health is until you've been in these type of shoes. I am bless, this I know.