Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Slacker, Slacker!

Okay, I admit I have been slacking on my posts. It was day after day then I just stopped, and for that I am sorry. I have been going nonstop, between my little squirrel, furniture market in town and babysitters for our little squirrel coming over it has been insane!

My soon-to-be mother-in-law works for a huge furniture company here in town and she's the executives assistant so she gets me and few other family members in to clean the show rooms at night during market time. What a job! It's fun and I love seeing all the beautiful EXPENSIVE stuff, but it's so tiring at the end of the week. It's all family who works so we all get a long great, making the experience fun and enjoyable. But getting home around 11 o'clock every night is some kind of old.

On top of my busy schedule for the last 2 weeks, our little bug has been running a temperature between 100 and 103 for about a week now. It has gone down to around 99 but it's still scary to a new time mom! But, I guess she has a good reason to be acting up; her top full row of teeth have come in! She had the two bottom teeth and one top K-9 tooth (yes, it's odd; I know.) but now the top two and other two beside them have come in... ALL AT ONCE! That's right, four teeth at one time. Just let that soak in for a minute, then pray for me. It's been crazy.

Oh, and one more thing, people have been at my house constantly all week! Granted, it's been the grandparents but that just means I have to clean extra then go to work and clean even more. But, I am lucky enough to have a fiance who has cleaned his bum off for me the past couple days. I mean he's gone as far as cleaning out the refrigerator top to bottom. I almost fell over when I come in the house but that just reassures me how grateful I need to be for him. And no, I don't live in a pig sty by any means but with a dog and 10 month old running around (literally) it's a hard job to keep up. Especially with parents coming over almost every night it has to be spotless. Without the help of poppa squirrel we would be up a creek!

So needless to say, I will be so happy when tomorrow rolls around. It's the last day of market and even though I totally enjoy going to be with other people and having a good time, I love being at home with my family. I love coming home and watching The Walking Dead with my man and waking up to a little girl reaching for me every morning. Oh, the pros and cons to having a job.

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