Monday, December 2, 2013

The Diagnosis.

With the holidays approaching and passing way to quickly, you always want to feel your best; physically and mentally. I, however, was not feeling like myself at all! Now granted, my hormones have been through a whole roll-a-coaster and back this year but I felt great up until the beginning of October. I am on Depo, the birth control shot, for obvious reasons. I have had my up's and down's with it but with my third and FINAL shot my 'symptoms' seem to be never ending.

At first I thought something was just wrong with me, which made me start worrying. After doing some research online I discovered my shot was the cause for all of my problems! Being a little confused and scared I made an appointment with my OBGYN right away. And the results, well they were shocking.

She diagnosed me with anxiety, depression and panic attacks. Now,  I know for a fact I am NOT depressed. The anxiety attacks I can completely understand because I've been worried nonstop about my health for the past two months. The constant worrying can do a physical and mental tole on your body, and quick. We decided to change my birth control and she prescribed me medication to help if I have an attack, just to calm me down; none of which I have taken yet. I still have panic/anxiety attacks but I am getting better without the medication. It really is all in the head and positive thinking. The hormones from the shot still need to wear off before I feel 100% again but anything is better than what I was like at the beginning of October. All of my blood work come back perfect, I am actually in the 2% of people who have 'perfect blood'; meaning all of my levels were in the 'perfect' range. This is really the peace of mind I needed.

I am so thankful I have a positive fiance and family to encourage me through this hard time. At times I had my self totally convinced that I was on my death bed, just because I was nauseous. Health anxiety is a very serious condition that if not tended to correctly can literally make you sick just by thinking you're sick. This is the point I never wanted to get too. I have a tension headache from all the stress build up but day by day it gets better, time heals all things. My doctor has been an amazing support system, especially for someone who had a crying crazy person in her room.

I've learned no matter how hard my mind tries to take over my body, I am a lot stronger than I have ever realized. I have prayed every day, something I normally did not do about 3 months ago. I have a new found hope because it seems like every time I talk to God; at night, in the car and even in the shower, I always feel so much better. He's really looking out for me through these tough times. It has even brought me and my fiance much closer also. I turn to him for advice and he's bluntly honest with me, that I am perfectly fine. You never realize how important mental health is until you've been in these type of shoes. I am bless, this I know.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The in-laws.

After finding out I was pregnant Brad and I decided we wanted to really start our lives together. It took a while to talk my parents into letting my fly on my own but I eventually moved in with him. This was an experience, let me just tell you. Learning to live with someone is an insane ride to go on, especially when you're pregnant. He already had his house packed to the brim, then adding my stuff was a task for professional movers. So after getting all of my junk put away we could settle in as a soon to be family, starting to learn one anothers traits and flaws; boy, was that fun. But being all said and done I wouldn't change a thing about him.

We were on our own path to find our middle to our beginning when I realized I have an amazing family, as does Brad. We have both been blessed with absolutely amazing 'in-laws'. Both sets of parents love us unconditionally and vice versa. I would not change my in-laws if I could and I know he feels the same about my parents. Both so supporting and love our child like she is made of gold.

My parents help out so much with keeping her while I have been working market. His mother is pretty much the organizer of furniture market in her company so I don't like putting Kbug off on her right after she has gotten off work, therefore my parents have been saviors; as well as with many other situations we have been through. His parents eat her up every chance they get to see her during this stressful week. Tomorrow will be the first time they have seen her in a week and a half, I feel like I need to prepare her for kisses and hugs galore. Both side are just all around fantastic.

The aunts and uncles are the exact same way. I have an older brother who melts every time he is around her. I never thought I would see that side of my brother but he's the best uncle I could ever imagine. Brad also has a brother who is a couple years younger than Brad but he's also an amazing uncle. Thank goodness there are no more babies in the family yet, she just thinks all babies are loved this much. The uncle are pretty much the same personality but when it comes to K they change instantly; loving her to pieces, kissing her chubby cheeks, tickling her and just being eat up with her cuteness. But the major lover is the soon-to-be AUNT! Oh, this is a dangerous combination when both Kbug and Aunt Haley is around; this is Brads brothers fiance. When I say major lover, that is an understatement. She eats up the lovings as soon as we walk in. No 'Hey Brad!', 'Hey Heather!' nope, straight to the baby she goes, not putting her down until we walk out of the door. I would not change it for the world!

I know we are bless with such an amazing family, so does Brad. We constantly thank God for the blessing of our child and the love she receives every single day. She knows no stranger and she knows how to love the exact way she is loved. She's an amazing little girl already, we could not ask for better. We firmly believe she is the way she is due to her surroundings and family. We couldn't be anymore pleased with the support we have been given.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hard at 'work'

Being a Thirty One SENIOR Consultant I feel as if I really need to step up my game. I am constantly bugging people, at least that's how I feel, to host parties or join my team. I don't want to pester people, I always told myself that was something I would never do and here I am. It's as if when I got the news I was finally a Senior Consultant I got this burst of motivation to better myself even more. I have no other resources other than Facebook and any other online site I find. No co-workerrs, no college friends, no mommy buddies; nothing.

So, I am coming to YOU with help for ideas. I know a lot of mommies out there do something from home and being super successful makes me envy you. Where do you find your 'audience' or your buyers. Do you know all of them? How can I reach out to people without being pushy? I have very little to go by and I feel like I'm rowing up stream without a paddle. I need to get my name out there and make people aware I am a reliable source they can come to for this business. I would rather focus on building my team right now, I believe. I would like to have at least TWO more girls on my team before I start really digging into my sales.

Trust me, any advice will help and it can not hurt to share your past experiences. Good and bad. You can even personally e-mail me if you'd like. I love to chat. Thanks in advance!

Slacker, Slacker!

Okay, I admit I have been slacking on my posts. It was day after day then I just stopped, and for that I am sorry. I have been going nonstop, between my little squirrel, furniture market in town and babysitters for our little squirrel coming over it has been insane!

My soon-to-be mother-in-law works for a huge furniture company here in town and she's the executives assistant so she gets me and few other family members in to clean the show rooms at night during market time. What a job! It's fun and I love seeing all the beautiful EXPENSIVE stuff, but it's so tiring at the end of the week. It's all family who works so we all get a long great, making the experience fun and enjoyable. But getting home around 11 o'clock every night is some kind of old.

On top of my busy schedule for the last 2 weeks, our little bug has been running a temperature between 100 and 103 for about a week now. It has gone down to around 99 but it's still scary to a new time mom! But, I guess she has a good reason to be acting up; her top full row of teeth have come in! She had the two bottom teeth and one top K-9 tooth (yes, it's odd; I know.) but now the top two and other two beside them have come in... ALL AT ONCE! That's right, four teeth at one time. Just let that soak in for a minute, then pray for me. It's been crazy.

Oh, and one more thing, people have been at my house constantly all week! Granted, it's been the grandparents but that just means I have to clean extra then go to work and clean even more. But, I am lucky enough to have a fiance who has cleaned his bum off for me the past couple days. I mean he's gone as far as cleaning out the refrigerator top to bottom. I almost fell over when I come in the house but that just reassures me how grateful I need to be for him. And no, I don't live in a pig sty by any means but with a dog and 10 month old running around (literally) it's a hard job to keep up. Especially with parents coming over almost every night it has to be spotless. Without the help of poppa squirrel we would be up a creek!

So needless to say, I will be so happy when tomorrow rolls around. It's the last day of market and even though I totally enjoy going to be with other people and having a good time, I love being at home with my family. I love coming home and watching The Walking Dead with my man and waking up to a little girl reaching for me every morning. Oh, the pros and cons to having a job.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Daddy's a Medic, Mommy's a Worry Wart

Being a paramedics 'wife' is NOT the easiest job in the world.
 Especially when I am a fire fighter and I know how to work a radio. Which means I can hear every call he receives, every situation he is in, when the cops are called to assist... you get my point. It's not a fun game but it's pretty interesting.

I will admit I get nervous A LOT when he is in, what seems like to me, a stressful situation. I sat up for three whole hours one night because he had a CPR call. Now, this is normal to him and with me being a CNA and having worked in a nursing home and hospital emergency room you would think it was just a walk in the park for me; but knowing what he is going through at that exact moment and time wigs me out. He laughs when I tell him this stuff but it's true.

We have a strong relationship and I think some of that spawns from how well we can relate to his work days and stories. He knows I listen to the radio and his calls, I don't think he has a problem with it... he tells me it's 'normal'. Who knows, but it's like constant contact with him while he is away for 24 hours. He also works in our 'town', actually 2.5 miles down the road from our house so when he goes out this way I hear him blaring those horns and sirens, I smile every time.

I can't wait until our little girl is old enough to yell "Mommy! I can hear daddy at work!". It's the little things families do and connect with that make a family a family.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dare To Get DADDY Involved?!

Now ladies, we all know dad's aren't usually the 'talkative' type or the best at giving meaningful advice but with starting this new blog this topic came to mind.

"Does your significant other get involved in your blogging time?"

Why on earth would I ask such a think?! I was creating this, getting the background 'just right', looking things over three and four times, when I turned to my fiance and said "Do you like this background?". Now, my partner isn't like any other man I know. He is a fantastic decorator, he can build anything he sets his mind to, he can do just about anything and make it look amazing. Now, I know what you're thinking, he's not gay, he's not a feminist and he's not a 'pretty boy'; he just simply knows what goes together to make everything look amazing. So, with that being said, he told me straight away his opinion on the background. We picked one out together, which is the one you see now, and for some reason doing that together meant the world to me. He give his input on the whole page, which was pretty positive coming from him, and it made me feel so much better about the blog.

I know most men could care less what their ladies are doing or what their pages look like, but to me it means a lot when he is honest and helpful with my decisions. I am in no way controlled by him. we are just close enough to know we can be honest without being hurtful. He has his opinions and I have mine, just like every couple, he just cares a little more about little things than most guys.

So, is this weird? Do you and your hubby have conversations like this? Does he let you know when something just does not look good? I feel I am lucky to have someone who lets me know such things, for me it helps me feel more confident and productive. Maybe it's odd, maybe it's co-dependent but it's a positive thing for me that got my brain working on this topic. So, does yours help?! Huh, does he?!

Talk about some amazing news.

I probably should mention that I work from home as a Thirty One Gifts seller. I have done this since February of 2013. It has been a way for me to bring in a small amount of money to help a little bit but also a great way for me to meet new people. I had some disheartening news in September when all FOUR, yes FOUR parties canceled within 48 hours of each party. Very discouraging and I was on the path of giving up... I mean do you blame me?! I tried to keep a positive spin on every party and stay in touch with the hostess' but nothing was working out. I had a talk with my mom about it and my fiance and both had mixed opinions, which so did I. But, this morning I got the sign I needed to keep going! I am happy to share this with you, just like I have with everyone I have talked to today!


I received this e-mail this morning and I could NOT be happier! This has opened so many opportunities for me and I am ecstatic! Having already emailed my director, told my mom and mother-in-law and sent a screen shot of the email to my fiance, I still want to tell everyone I come in contact with. This is the motivation I needed this week. I was having some trouble being positive about anything these past couple of days but THIS was my key to keeping my head up.

God really does turn scars into stars!

Post Numero Uno!

Since I am new to this whole 'scene' I guess I can start off by saying, "I'M SO EXCITED!". SAHM's know how difficult it is to be at home day in and day out with absolutely nothing to do except listen to your little ones babble and watch them tear stuff apart. While that's all fine and dandy, it does get a tad bit boring at times. I see this blog as a portal, if you will, to a new group of friends and listeners who can relate; because let's face it, men don't exactly understand why us ladies go bat crazy staying at home.
As I have mentioned in my 'about me' my fiance is a paramedic, meaning he works 24-48+ hours at a time and also works odd jobs, leaving me a lot of bonding time with our little girl. Which I don't mind one bit, I love it in fact, but mommy needs some mommy friends too! I would love to share her growth and accomplishments with others as well.
You will learn more and more about my little family as time goes on, and trust me it can get VERY interesting! Between his gruesome medic stories and her tantrums and mishaps... just stay tuned. It gets funnier by the day!